Hi, I’m Tom.

I’m a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and I specialize in working with adolescents, teens, and young adults in the Chicagoland area on gaining psychological flexibility through Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT).

It’s about expansion.


The approach I deliver is about opening up and making room for difficult feelings, urges, and sensations so you can invest your energy in doing life-enhancing activities instead of struggling with those challenging feelings. Think of life as a glass of salt water, and the salt is all those unwanted feelings, emotions, etc.

You can spend life trying to pick out each grain of salt, or you can add more water.

I specialize in working with young people to use acceptance and mindfulness strategies, along with commitment and behavior change plans to promote psychological flexibility.

therapy for teens in Chicago area

About me

While working in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), I’ve seen the gap in services available for highly verbal adolescents and teens who didn’t fit the standard ABA model. I started EBH with the goal of helping neurotypical and neurodiverse young people grow by taking effective actions, finding what’s really important to them, being more present, and practicing self-compassion. We do all of this while learning to better manage anxiety, rigidity, painful memories, and other unwanted feelings and emotions.

I currently live in the Avondale neighborhood of Chicago with my partner and our daughter.

My short interview for Subkit

What is ACT?

Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) is a powerful form of behavior-change therapy that is backed by hundreds of evidence-based and peer-reviewed research studies. The ACT approach has been beneficial for a broad range of clinical problems, but EBH utilizes the ACT framework to specialize in helping with:


Building flexibility and minimizing rigidity

Managing anxiety and stress while learning to understand their functions

Finding motivation and direction

Discovering awareness and coping skills

Creating self-compassion and flexible perspective taking

Defusing from obsessive thoughts

Making values-based decisions


  • In-home and telehealth

    I provide psychological interventions from a clinical behavioral analysis approach, delivering ongoing therapy sessions, consultations, and trainings in-home and through telehealth settings.

  • Not talk therapy, but do therapy

    All therapy sessions are guided by the principles of behavior analysis. The goal of our therapeutic journey is for objective, observable behavior change. This is not “talk” therapy, it’s “do” therapy.

  • Data-driven progress

    Throughout the process, I gather data on you and your child’s behaviors as we track progress toward chosen goals. Working with me includes data-driven parent progress and training meetings, as well.

Contact me

Accepted Insurance Plans (for individuals with autism diagnoses)

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois PPO


I also offer a range of private pay rates (for individuals without autism diagnoses)

*Please refrain from sharing personal health information via this portal, including your (or your child's) date of birth or diagnosis.